146/365-2 A Vision of Freedom

146/365-2 A Vision of Freedom


“America will never be destroyed from the outside. 
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ” 
Abraham Lincoln

The greatest number of American lives lost in a single war, 650,000, were lost in the Civil war, a war fought on our own soil 
Today I am thankful for all the freedom that I have – that which I am given because of the sacrifices of others and which I have because I had nothing scheduled for the day.  We slept late.  Boy did that feel good!  The sky was overcast and there were light showers.  It was a perfect morning to sleep in!  Once we got up and I managed to get all of the animals off the bed,  I  decided that today was a good day to wash all of the bed linens, which reminds me that I still need to remake the bed.

Weber and I went to one of our city’s parks to take photos.  On past Memorial Days they have had a field of flags, but not this year.  I had to settle for a photo of the flag on the tall pole.  This gave me an opportunity to play with my new lens.  I was hoping for some pretty birds or something, but no such luck.  There were a few grackles around, but that was it.

The park, Liberty Park, also has some very cool statues honoring those who have sacrificed for our freedom.  I also had time to work my Lensbaby as well.  I haven’t used it much out in public.  I feel like I am getting a little better with it.  It was fun to use it to photograph something other than flowers.  I am getting close to trying it for some portraits…maybe.

Statues are certainly good subjects on which to practice!

This one was taken with my regular Nifty Fifty lens.

This statue really speaks to me.  Sometimes we forget just how many lives are impacted by the time given and sacrifices made by those who serve in our armed forces.

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