137/365 Growth

137/365 Growth

“Growing Pains”

Technically this is not a good photo, but it is a perfect photo for me today.
I got a new super zoom lens.  It is HUGE!  So huge, in fact, that the camera store did not have a UV filter large enough in stock.  It is now on order.  I was hesitant to do too much with the lens until the filter comes in, but I couldn’t resist a few shots.
The lens weighs a little over four pounds.  That is a lot to deal with handheld.  It will be possible, but, as you can see in this shot, it is certainly going to take some practice on my part to hold it steady to get sharp images.  Using the tripod is going to be the better bet I think, but that just is not always convenient.  Once the filter comes in, I will spend more time practicing and figuring out the quirks of this particular lens.
As far as growth, the natural references are clear.  The moth (butterfly?) has grown from a caterpillar and the dandelion has grown from a flower with its bright yellow petals to this fluff of seeds.  Also, my lens collection has grown as has this month’s credit card bill:-)  These things, however, really aren’t the most significant aspects of growth in this image.
Not only does this photo have technical issues, it isn’t very creative or interesting.  It is, though, the first image that I took with this new lens. That is worth documenting.  It shows that growth that I need as a photographer.  Posting it here also is evidence of personal growth.  The perfectionist in me is OK with posting this less than perfect image because it is important to today.  A year ago I probably would not have done that; I would have rather missed a day than post a “bad” picture.  I know that I have posted many inferior pictures, but often it has been in retrospect that I have noticed their problems.
Anyway, accepting what I know could be better is a huge point of growth for me.
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