137/365 A Walk

137/365 A Walk

“A Path of Prayer”

One of the things that I have come to love about the Capture Your 365 Project is that it has caused me to learn many things about my own city.  It was late this afternoon before I considered what to do for today’s prompt.  I have photographed our many parks lots of times and as I ran their paths through my head, nothing struck me as a possible subject for today.  This may be because I actually took a picture of one of my favorite park paths here for another prompt not too long ago.
Weber suggested that I take a picture of our labyrinth at church.  That was a great idea that, sadly, had not crossed my mind despite the fact that walking the labyrinth is an important prayer form for me.  Our church has a very beautiful indoor labyrinth.  Unfortunately, its surroundings are not so attractive after some building additions took away its view of the outdoors.  On a whim, I decided to check the Internet to see if there was an outdoor labyrinth close to us.
I thought that I was “up” on the labyrinths in the Dallas area.  As is the case with many things, I was proven wrong.  A smallish Methodist church not far from us at all has a beautiful outdoor labyrinth that is enveloped  by a lush garden.  
It was a gift to discover this so close to home.  
In the first picture of this post, it looks like Weber is walking on the labyrinth “wall” rather than the path.  Many of the labyrinths modeled on the Chartres labyrinth, as this one is, have “lunation’s” around its perimeter.  Instead, this one has stones offered in memory and thanksgiving.  Walking along that outside walls allows you to read the names and offer prayers for each of those persons as you move around the labyrinth.
Another thing that we discovered today is that our city’c community garden is on this same property just beyond the privacy hedge that surrounds the labyrinth.  It was fun to walk through and see what everyone has growing in their plots.  We saw herbs, and vegetables, and various fruits and berries, flowers, and everything in between.
I couldn’t help but stop to take a few photos of some gorgeous sunflowers for my baby who loves them.

This was all a nice way to end my last day of the semester!  I turned my grades in this morning.  I am done . . .until summer school starts June 5.  I’m trying to ignore that fact for just a little while.  Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, but I am super tired right now.  With a couple days of being at home, I’ll feel better in no time and be ready to start it all over again.
For now, TGITEOTS – Thank God It’s The End Of The Semester! 
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