130/365-2 A Vision of Play

130/365-2 A Vision of Play


Erin began her day as a twenty-one year old college student and finished it as a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and about to begin her life in the working world as a spatial analyst.  It some ways it is hard to believe that she is already out of college and about to be independent and in the same breath I can say that I can’t believe that she is only twenty-one is beginning her professional career.  However I look at it, I am incredibly proud of her.
Edgar, her boyfriend, also graduated today.  He earned a degree in mechanical engineering.  The two of them decided that they wanted to celebrate their accomplishments by having a picnic at the park with lots of food, family, and friends.
I took LOTS of photos that I have yet to sort through.  In choosing today’s POTD, I wanted to honor the daily prompt but also document our day.  Though the photo that I chose has some technical issues, I think it illustrates the joy that we all felt today as well as a spirit of play.  The kids played volleyball for awhile after lunch.  Seeing Erin reach to the sky to hit the volleyball reminds me of all the reaching she has done thus far and all that is still out there for her to grasp.
Among other things, I did take the requisite cap and gown photos.
Because the University of North Texas had so many students graduating, the commencement exercises were broken up over several days.  Erin graduated at 9am this morning.  The graduation exercise for the engineering majors was not until 5pm this afternoon.  So, Erin and Edgar shared a cap and gown.  They saved themselves some money, but that means no pictures of the two of them together in their graduation regalia.
Congratulations to the two of you!
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