125/365 Freshly Cut Grass

125/365 Freshly Cut Grass

“The Last of the Bluebonnets”

It’s hard to believe that this year’s bluebonnet season is nearly over and that we are a week into May.  And, there are only two weeks left in this semester.  Where has the time gone?  Oh yeah, it has gone to lesson plans and grading papers and attending rehearsals and recitals and taking pictures.  Though it has been a good semester, I am ready for a break.
The bluebonnets in this picture are just about gone too.  They were certainly much prettier a few weeks ago.  I took this picture as the opposite of today’s prompt of freshly cut grass.  People who have bluebonnets in their yard have a few weeks more than the rest of us before they have to start their springtime mowing.  We’ve had to mow a few times already.  The folks with the dwindling wildflowers in their front yard are going to have to do the same very shortly!
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