116/365-2 Thoughtful

116/365-2 Thoughtful


Today was a good day.  We slept until 9:00, making up from the three hours of sleep the night before. We had a leisurely breakfast and talked with my dad for awhile.  He had a friend coming over so we made a quick trip to the outlet mall and the grocery store.  After bringing the groceries home, we walked up to town and I did a little more shopping while Weber people watched from a bench outside.  He did get a caramel latte at the local coffee shop before we headed home to fix dinner.
Despite the cup of coffee, today was not really Weber’s lucky day.  First he went bra shopping with me.  Then more clothes shopping.  I also needed him for today’s photo prompt.  Today was portrait day, one of this year’s monthly repeating prompts.  Once we got home from taking pictures, he ended up watching a baseball game on TV with my dad.  I don’t think he has ever watched an entire sporting event in the 56 years of his life.  Of all the un-fun things he had to do today, modeling for me may have been the least objectionable for him.  Poor guy, but he has been a good sport all day.  He is the most thoughtful person I know, both inwardly and outwardly.
We went to the beach this evening to take the photos.  The prompt suggested that we do a black and white portrait, which I love.  Usually I shoot in color and then convert my photos to black and white. Today I actually shot in black and white.  This made a huge difference in the shots I took.  I was more aware of contrast and lines and textures, things that often are of a secondary concern when shooting in color.  I got several shots that I liked.
I was also hoping for a pretty sunset.  Though the sky was full of gorgeous blues and oranges, I didn’t get any photos that truly did it justice.  This is my favorite and it was taken after the sun had set.
We also stumbled upon this on the beach.  I wish I knew the story that goes with it.
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