11/365-2 In Good Hands

11/365-2 In Good Hands

“Book In Hands”

Today was a beautiful day, nearly 70 degrees.  It would have been a great day to go somewhere and enjoy being outside.  Unfortunately, our daily agenda didn’t include any outdoor plans.  My morning began at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned.  Weber and I went out for breakfast afterwards and then I got my hair cut.  Even at that, the chores weren’t done.  I had to come home and finish making baptismal stoles for church tomorrow.  Then there was the Christmas tree….
Christmas came and went and I barely noticed it.  Though I remember Christmas day, the Christmas season didn’t really exist for me this year.  I need to do some serious soul searching and figure out why that was.  Because of these feelings,  I looked at the Christmas tree with deep esentment today as we pulled the ornaments off and packed everything away for another year.  I kept thinking that I didn’t even enjoy the decorations.  And here I am having to pack all of this stuff neatly away.  It was not a happy feeling!
About the time that my pity party had hit a low, my baby showed up somewhat unexpectedly.  What a nice surprise!  She didn’t stay too long, but was willing to allow me a few shots while she read her book.  My goal this year is to get at least one shot of each of the girls each month as a POTD.  I am half way there for January!
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