113/365 Mail

113/365 Mail

“Tearing Into Books”

I had a plan for today’s picture.  I wanted a picture of the mailman’s arm reaching out to open the mailbox. I got home in time to go outside and get my camera settings.  Then I waited patiently.  I saw the mail truck coming up the street so I went outside and assumed my post.  He stopped in front of our box.  No arm. No arm. Still, no arm.  The the entire mailman emerged from the truck.  What?  Wait a minute!  I need my picture!  Plan foiled.
Weber was waiting for some videography books to arrive.  Today was delivery day so the mailman had to get out of the truck because the books would not fit in our box.  He also handed me the regular mail. I smiled and said “thank-you” all the while thinking about the fact that he had just ruined my photo for today.  Not that he did it intentionally or anything.  The poor mailman had no idea what my photo prompt was.
Being back at ground zero with regard to my POTD, the best I could do was Weber tearing into his box of books.  The focus is not particularly sharp and obviously there is motion blur.  I decided that I kind of like it because the blur conveys his excitement at opening the box.  If you disagree, keep your thoughts to yourself:-)  That belief is how I am consoling myself for failing at my original intent.  
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