102/365-2 Shadow

102/365-2 Shadow

“Goat Cheese”

We went on an adventure today.  The Heart of Texas Franciscan fellowship had our monthly meeting at Heritage Homestead just outside of Waco.  We shared a meal together at the restaurant there; most of the food is grown by the community right there on the property.  We then moved outside to a picnic table under the trees to discuss the business of the day.  Once we were done with that, the real fun started for me.  We wandered around looking at the handiwork of the woodworkers, potters, blacksmith and fiber artists.  We then strolled through their garden and the barnyard.  For me, this was picture time!
I could not resist the adorable face on this goat.  I did take some better photos than this one, but in an effort to stick to today’s prompt, I am posting this one because it has at least a hint of a shadow.
For some reason I was taken with the barbed wire wrapped around the fence.
The further south we went from Dallas, the thicker the spring wildflowers got.  I have never photographed the Texas wildflowers so I was looking forward to that opportunity today.
I love the orange Indian Paintbrush.
And of course the bluebonnets.
I had that wrong lens on my camera when I noticed these cow birds in a sprawling field of wildflowers.  I did the best I could with what I had at the time.
Though I didn’t take many photos with it, I am trying to use my Lensbaby a little bit each day in the hope that I will get better with it.
On our way home this evening we stopped in West and got kolaches and a cinnamon roll for sustenance on the long journey home:-)
Today was a beautiful day to be outside enjoying the sunshine and the wildflowers.  It was also nice to spend some time with friends whom we haven’t seen in a while and have some new scenery to photograph.
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