A Special Kind of Love

A Special Kind of Love

I am part of a team that writes daily devotions for Cathedral of Hope (Dallas) United Church of Christ.  I don’t usually share that writing here because it can be read on the church’s website or on Facebook.  I am, however, making an exception today because this particular devotion is not really theological or religious , though it does talk of God. ________________________ Scripture “Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them…

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100/100 Celebration

100/100 Celebration

This is it.  The final poem of my 2024 100 Day Project.  I think this is actually day 102, but the fact that I have written 100 poems in 102 days is nothing short of a miracle considering all that has gone on in my world during this time.  I know that the majority of them are indeed “dandelions.”  With some revision, however, there may be one or two that have potential.  We all have to start somewhere.  That is…

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